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Think about it. For the price of a cup of coffee or a slice of pizza, you can support eight human beings to come to the amazing country and university we live and study in. We need to ... commit to long-term support for refugees.

I am already past my mid-20s and still have no idea how to cook. I just naturally don't have the motivation and neither the interest in cooking and food at all. Is there any way to really get me learning something that's plain dull and boring?”

The Arts foreign language requirement has been a hot topic of late, so we toured campus to see what you think. Graden Deasey, Faculty of Engineering: “Personally, I wouldn't want to have to complete this requirement.”

Most importantly, your sex life involves only two people — you and your partner (unless you have an understanding otherwise). No one else is really involved. Your life is not a movie set with 10 people filming and getting the lights right.

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