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Ah, frat parties. Not where I would go for intellectual conversation, but I know from my brief time in the Greek system that at least three houses have dogs and one has a snow cone machine. Good luck and good drinking!

Exams tend to be the last leg of a marathon and everyone always tries running at full speed during it. It will drain you. You will feel tired, grumpy and desperate for distraction. But we will get through it.

On another administrative level, at UBC, you know why you receive the grade you did. However at the school in France, it's very ambiguous. Two of my friends took a class which was project-based and worked together on everything.

I’ve lived in Vancouver my entire life. I always knew that I wanted to go to UBC and I have no regrets about the choices I’ve made. The lifestyle in Vancouver — yoga, kale, fancy coffee, Lululemon — is one I feel I fit into.

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