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Tsai composed, arranged, recorded, mixed and mastered the song. The typical length of time for a professional studio to properly cover all these aspects of music production is two months. Tsai did all these in three days, all the while bracing herself for two midterms.

“Buddhism is more than a religion but a way of life and thinking, it involves in philosophy and a different way of looking at the world,” said Zhihan. “November 1 is a day for everyone to come and practice wisdom and compassion, and we will share with everyone.”

He describes the protagonist, played by Louis Dupuis, as “an ex-military man, dishonourably, honourably discharged.” In terms of character, he is “very gullible, very likeable [and] always trying to please his passengers.” As a result of his passengers, “they lead him into outrageous situations.”

Brett on the other hand, explored our relationships with the "other" by detailing his 25 year-relationship with his pet bird Tuco, who was the main inspiration for the book. His work examines what it means to be ‘othered’, to become something different from what people would associate as ‘normal’ and is linked to his traumatic experience of being bullied for his androgyny.

In Belonging, a Q&A event part of the Vancouver Writers Fest, all four writers personally attested to experiencing being “othered” throughout their lives. Whether through excerpts from their memoirs or discussing feelings on the spot, they also focused on how their personal turmoil translated into their literature.

It was jarring but stuck to the theme of DYSTOPIA in a sense that it was not what it seemed. Generally, books are to be read and this practice rendered of using black marker rendered reading meaningless. This piece was unnamed but it was one of the strongest of them all.

“[Vespers] is one of the greatest works in the western classical music repertoire, and it’s one that you don’t get to hear very often because it requires very specific instruments that are not common nowadays. Though it’s one of the greatest works in the classical canon, it’s one of the lesser well-known ones in a way.”

When we think of apples, we think of colours. There are red apples, green apples, and many that are really just somewhere in between. If we really stretch our apple musings, we may include the rare yellow or crab apple.

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