Treat yourself to a cup of coffee
You know you deserve it. And while you’re at it, snag yourself a cookie with some change to spare.
Check out the UBC Bookstore
To be fair, there’s not a lot you can buy at the bookstore for $6.71. You could buy yourself a new... pen? Maybe even a notebook, if you have a particularly thrifty eye.
Subscribe to an actual newspaper
Did you know that a 12-week subscription to The New Yorker is only $6, and it comes with a free tote bag? Where are our Who?byssey tote bags?? Where does the extra $0.71 go??? Clearly you’re being scammed.
Donate to charity
Don’t read the paper? Rack up that sweet sweet karma and contribute to something that actually matters
Maybe just… don’t
Vancouver’s not the cheapest city to live in. UBC isn’t the cheapest university to go to. $6.71 isn’t a lot, but can get you a warm meal. Or a shitty beer, depending on how grim things are. So maybe save it for a (metaphorical) rainy day.
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