The top opinion articles of the 2022/23 school year

Opinion is the home of hot takes at The Ubyssey.

We publish letters, editorials, PSAs and columns about all things UBC. Here are some of the top opinion articles of the 2022/23 school year.

NDNs at UBC: Safety is not being scared of wearing beaded earrings

Words by Aquila Underwood | Illustration by Kylla Castillo

Columnist Aquila Underwood reflects on her experience with feeling (un)safe as an Indigenous person, and the ongoing violence her community experiences.

Rekindling: The Other

Words by Julianna Yue | Illustration by Anya Anber Ameen

Columnist and supplement guest editor Julianna Yue writes about her experience as a mixed Indigenous person for The Ubyssey's September Truth and Reconciliation Issue, Rekindling.

Letter: UBC has a ways to go before eliminating rape culture. You can help

Words by Thea Baines | Photos by Iman Janmohamed

In this letter, fourth-year history student Thea Baines writes about the prevalence of rape culture at UBC and how community members can work to ensure justice, safety and consent are the norms on campus.

Letter: Trans students are campaigning for their lives

Words by Anonymous | Photos by Isabella Falsetti

In this letter, a UBC student explores how the AMS's decision to keep health care questions regarding gender-affirming care and general fee increases separate for the AMS/GSS Health & Dental Plan referenda hurts Trans students at UBC.

— Editor's Note: The Ubyssey published an editorial in support of the Trans Coalition on March 3.

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