AMS Decoded: What to look for in the September 13 Council meeting

Every few weeks, your elected student government meets on a Wednesday night to talk about issues concerning the AMS. Agenda items can seem long, mysterious and confusing without the proper background, making it difficult to see how these issues affect students. Here’s what to watch out for in the upcoming AMS Council meeting on September 13:


As is done at the beginning of each summer and winter term, Council will be filling spots on its committees. Your elected student representatives will be appointed to the Finance, Operations, Human Resources, Governance, Student Life and Steering Committees.

There’s also room for you to get involved! All AMS standing committees have member-at-large openings, as does the Sale of Hatch Art Planning and Execution (SHAPE) committee, which will be considering the sale of some of the art collection the AMS owns.

Safewalk Software

Council will be considering the renewal of an agreement with service-provider Swiftwalk. This software enables the dispatching of Safewalk team members to accompany students as they move about campus at night.

AGM Scheduling

Each year, the AMS is mandated by the BC Societies Act and its own bylaws to hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM). Council will be considering how to move forward with scheduling this year’s AGM, which must be held in the month of October.

Jakob Gattinger is a fourth year applied science student. He is currently the interim AMS VP Academic, as well as an engineering representative and student senator.