Get your flu shots in the Nest this week

Midterm season is in full swing and cold and flu season is also on its way. It’s a time of late night study sessions, fluctuating sleep schedules, and maybe not the healthiest of meal choices. Make sure your not fighting through a fever and runny nose while your working hard for that A and get vaccinated!

This week for your utmost convenience, UBC is offering free flu clinics in the Lower Atrium of the Nest on Thursday and Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The clinics are run on a first come, first served basis, so be sure to get there early. It also gets quite busy during class turnover, so it’s recommended that you have at least two hours set aside so you don’t have to rush off to class with a slightly sore arm.

Getting your flu shot does not only lessen your chances of catching the flu, but through herd immunity it also lessens the chances of those who cannot get vaccinated from getting sick as well.

So roll up your sleeves and take one for the team. Let’s all crush those midterms without getting crushed by the flu as well.