@AMSElections is a Russian nationalist with generous underboob

Digging deep into the bowels of Twitter can lead you to some weird political tidbits. But considering how you would probably expect something university-related from a Twitter handle titled @AMSElections, you definitely wouldn’t guess that it would actually belong to a news-obsessed Russian person with an underboob-heavy display picture.

And yet, that’s exactly what it is. The irony of “guhsaltor's” coincidental Twitter handle is pretty funny at first, but it turns odd once you translate their tweets, as they all appear to be awkwardly written news headlines that are posted without context or sources.

 “In Russia, the Act came into force repealing ‘salary of slavery’”

 “United States suspected Russian hackers stealing data bank JPMorgan”

 “Militia DNI announced the capture of the village of Yalta from the Azov Sea”

“The index of industrial production in St. Petersburg for 7 months fell to 7.9 per cent”

“The police is providing public services in electronic form” 

Their account doesn’t offer any personal information, but as far as we’ve scrolled down, they appear to have written hundreds of these short, headline-style tweets from August 27 to 30, 2014 before never tweeting anything ever again.

 “Virtual tours of museums of TAJIKISTAN from Google” 

“Tagir Khaybulayev went out in the quarter-finals of the World Championship in Judo”

Tagir Khaybulayev went out in the quarter-finals of the World Championship in Judo

 “Final update will be released in September, Infinity Blade 3”

From the looks of it, whoever runs this Twitter page has three main interests — Eastern European politics, sports and technology. Perhaps it’s just the randomness of the situation or the poorly translated grammar of the tweets, but there’s something that feels very cryptic about it. Almost like a code.

 “Saudi King: Islamist terror will come to Europe in a month”

“The Government of the Kyrgyz Republic attacked”

In the midst of it all, there’s cheese.

“Cheese trade deliveries rose by 10 per cent”

 And Leonardo DiCaprio.

“DiCaprio dreams to have a body like that of Beckham” 

And of course, Putin.

“Putin arrived in Minsk, where his planned talks with Poroshenko” 

It all begs the question — of all Twitter handles that this person could have chosen, how did they wind up with a name @AMSElections? Personally, I’m hoping that “guhsaltor” is secretly running in the heated race for AMS president. Now that would be a doozy.