Alma Mater? I hardly know her!: Why I'm taking an extra semester to graduate

Who actually graduates in four years? I know maybe two people who graduated this year, making them graduate their undergrad in four years. Here I am with one semester left of my undergrad and I’ve taken some time to recognize why I’m just so chipper to have this extra time at UBC.


I just haven’t spent enough time being grimy in the frats. The thought of going back makes me physically ill but I will make an appearance at one in my final semester. From the ironically hypermasculine yet deeply earnest ritual of beer pong to the idea of living in a little village with all your besties, the frats are camp. And I am all about being campy.

UBC merch

I would actually like to buy so much UBC apparel that I can be decked in merch head to toe. My keys? They'll be on a UBC lanyard. At the gym? I will be in UBC running shorts with a matching UBC AirPod case. You’ll be seeing me in a custom made UBC tube top that I can fashion to the aforementioned frats.

I love merch so much that I'm extending my degree for it.
I love merch so much that I'm extending my degree for it. Bridget Meehan / The Ubyssey


As an English student I would love to find out what engineering is! I toss around that word a lot or have people tell me they’re ‘in engineering’ but in full transparency I have literally no clue what an engineer does. I am always open to learning.

Kale pesto pasta salad 

Inflation has made this little container of glory sore, but for around $6, you can buy my favourite lunch on campus. Grocery Checkout sells this damn good pasta — only sometimes (not sure why this is a sporadic addition) sprinkled with walnuts and dusted with parmesan. I need at least one more semester with this piece of heaven. 

Hell, I'd take a 6th year if it meant more pasta salad.


Obviously, my main reason for taking one more semester to complete my undergrad is to delay reality. I don’t want to do grad school apps, think about leaving my little student house and lovely roommates or deal with change in general. This way, I also get to spend more time at in IKB doing what I've been doing my entire undergrad: procrastinating on essays.

‘Victory lap’ here I come!