105 things to do at UBC

1 - Read The Ubyssey 

2 - Find the Ubyssey office 

3 - Contribute to The Ubyssey 

4 - Swim in the fountain (bonus points if between 12–4 a.m.)

5 - Get lost in Pacific Spirit Park 

6 - Find yourself in Pacific Spirit Park 

7 - Realize you were right next to Wesbrook Village the whole time 

8 - Get blackout drunk at Koerner’s for the first time 

9 - Make good friends that will get you home safely

10 - See one of your peers nude in an experimental theatre production 

11 - Remember that tequila and water look the same in your water bottle 

12 - Join an intramural team to get exercise and make friends 

13 - Get dramatically injured playing intramurals 

14 - Quit intramurals. These jocks are bloodthirsty 

15 - Change your major 

16 - Run in a student government election 

17 - Lose a student government election 

18 - Lose yourself at the Great Debate 

19 - Cry in the rose garden 

20 - Try not to get stranded on campus when it snows challenge (impossible)

21 - Go camping with gear from the Varsity Outdoors Club (VOC)  

22 - Look longingly at a cute dog across Main Mall 

23 - Finally work up the courage to ask to pet the cute dog 

24 - Spend over four hours in a dining hall to get your money’s worth 

25 - Go blue from holding your breath in the IKB bathrooms 

26 - Power nap in a silent reading room 

27 - Laugh at a @UbysseyHumour Tweet 

28 - Head to Wreck Beach alone at midnight

29 - Fall down the stairs because you can’t see 

30 - Finally touch down on the beach after falling for seven minutes 

31 - Find the perfect study spot 

32 - Accidentally post it on Instagram 

33 - Listen to CiTR 101.6 FM

34 - Apply for honours math

35 - Fail out of honours math 

36 - Avoid everyone in your residence 

37 - Become friends with Kip the Coyote 

38 - Have your residence fire alarm pulled at 2 a.m.

39 - Be happy about it because its the only interesting thing to happen in the last three months 

40 - Realize it’s called Uncle Fatih’s, not Uncle Faith’s

41 - Do the Greenheart Tree Walk 

42 - [Insert weed joke here] 

43 - Get lost between Buchanan B and C 

44 - Scale Buchanan Tower for office hours 

45 - Photosynthesize on the MacInnes Field

46 - Get hit by a spike ball on MacInnes Field 

47 - Get a little treat (you deserve it!)

48 - Get blackout drunk at Koerner’s for the uhhhh first time

49 - Renew your UPass 

50 - Forget to renew your UPass and have a negative Compass Card balance 

51 - Brave a weekday Tim’s line 

52 - Visit every coffee shop on campus 

53 - Go to Rain or Shine for Taco Tuesday 

54 - Buy a Happy Meal just for the toy 

55 - Wait in the Pit line for over 30 minutes 

56 - Wear earplugs in the Pit to avoid ear damage 

57 - Miss the last 99 home 

58 - Get from MoA to MacMillan in under ten minutes 

59 - Collide with a cyclist on Main Mall 

60 - Fall in love with that cyclist

61 - Break into the secret tunnels 

62 - Live in Place Vanier 

63 - Laugh in Orchard Commons 

64 - Love in Totem Park

65 - Buy a mini fridge 

66 - Have nowhere to put it after first year 

67 - Get into pottery club 

68 - Take a fun elective that tanks your GPA


70 - Butcher karaoke at The Gallery

71 - Get way too personal on Piazza 

72 - Drop $30 on a t-shirt at the Fashion Club thrift sale 

73 - Drain your bank account at the AMS Craft Fair 

74 - Bike up UBC hill 

75 - Take the SeaBus with your friends 

76 - Take the 68 with your enemies 

77 - Buy UBC Farm produce 

78 - Study with a water bottle, red bull and bubble tea 

79 - Get an STI test 

80 - Cornerners. Drunk. Blcakout.

81 - Learn what a situationship is 

82 - Find yourself in one 

83 - Go to Community Eats at Sprouts 

84 - Get a totally unique poster at the poster sale that no one on your floor will have 

85 - Do the Polar Bear Plunge 

86 - Immediately regret doing the Polar Bear Plunge 

87 - Touch grass 

88 - Have a crush on a prof 

89 - Run up the Wreck Beach stairs bare(foot) 

90 - Take care of your friends 

91 - Take care of yourself 

92 - Take care of the evidence

93 - Take a class on the Rule of Threes

94 - Enjoy the Rose Garden 

95 - Tan on the grassy knoll (not that grassy knoll) 

96 - Study in the Forest Sciences Centre

97 - Get jealous of its trees 

98 - Plan to transfer into forestry 

99 - Remember you’re allergic to pollen 

100 - Spend $60 on your dinner at Harvest 

101 - Get stuck with third year standing for three years

102 - Sleep on a table in a study room 

103 - STORM! THE! WALL! 

104 - See a rat 

105 - Graduate!