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This trailblazing new thing, seemingly inspired by the already-existing Facebookian microcosmic worlds of Subtle Asian Dating and Subtle Curry Dating, is relatively young and was launched in November 2019.

Submitting a UBC Crush is perfect for all of us who long to date someone whilst being complete cowards at the same time. I have had at least four posts published on the page, with plenty more that went unpublished (and that was probably for the best), which means I am perfectly qualified to give advice on how to write the perfect UBC Crushes post.

The event is organized by the UBC CMSSA and the UBC Science Undergraduate Society and it’s free to attend, and any donations from the event go to Rabbitats, a local rabbit sanctuary that houses rabbits that are feral or abandoned

The first time I brought my partner to my place, I asked them to wait outside my bedroom — I wanted to make sure that there was nothing inside that I didn’t want them to see.

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