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"Queering” is not just about your gender identity or sexual orientation. If we’ve learned anything from our GRSJ electives, it’s that “queering” means basically whatever you want it to mean. With this in mind, here’s how to queer Storm the Wall next year — always stay prepped.

Since you’re reading this, I’m going to assume that you, at least to some degree, identify as a romantic. The problem for romantics like us is that we are often labelled cliché. Rightfully so, too — when you’re in love, everything feels like it’s out of a fairytale, every moment is a tableau and every word is poetry.

Wagwan bro, it's Esther. I've been told to describe myself in my journal by my therapist. I’ve been slinking around my micro-suite ever since graduation — uni tings, ahem — and now I ruminate on my next move.

The rumbling in your tummy, the gurgling of your bowels, the urge to take the biggest shit of your life consumes you and you don’t know where to go. Fear not my friend, for here are the nine best reasons why you should take your life-altering dookies at IKB.

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