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Over the last couple weeks, Happn has caught the attention of the Ubyssey staff as something that could potentially surpass Tinder and become the official dating app of Vancouver — or at least it is marketed that way.

The midterm season is in full swing and in the midst of it all, our normal routines can slip away. One of the first things to go is usually our sense of style, with tight jeans being replaced with sweatpants. But it doesn’t have to be like this.

If you have a really, really nice Ferrari, it’s all the more painful to see it covered up in scratches. Because UBC is one of those Ferraris. So why do I feel so uninspired by those three letters when they’re on my white t-shirt?

It’s probably not a good idea to take a baseball bat to grandma when methods such as quarantine could prove more effective in controlling the infected. Speakers talked about how to identify, manage and model an outbreak if the undead were to rise.

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